Thursday, February 23, 2012

Going abstract

I've always enjoyed exploring abstract elements in a painting. Recently I have had two requests for an abstract painting, 2 ft by 5 ft - two completely different people, how extraordinary!  I decided God must be telling me something, so we set about preparing a canvas and I began my painting, just in case I was asked again!  The experience was very exciting but may I say it is not as easy as it looks.  I began with red, not that surprising to anyone who knows me, moved into black and then magenta and gold. . .   Quite often I put paint on directly from the tube. Tonking and rollering it proved interesting and there were lots of happy accidents that were hard to reproduce, if not impossible.  All the usual feelings surfaced, such as when parts became a bit too precious - a hopeless situation that has to be ignored. Curiously it has given me lots of ideas for other paintings, but I think I'll find a home for this one first!

1 comment:

  1. OOOh Jan I love your rich colourful abstract painting! Your description has so many familiar elements too!
    I must have been musing over your abstract descriptions whilst I have been working on my latest project - which is a 'felt picture' of it have been tricky trying to get just the right amount of fibre or the right shape or angle before felting. Most of my wet felting until now has been abstract and I love the happy accidents that reveal themselves during the process and there's always a patch I particularly like or would change... I think I'll be doing some more liberating freeform abstracts soon!
    Hope you have found a home for your painting (and that it might come out for an exhibition so we can see it in all its colourful textured glory!) I'd love to see your next ideas!!
    Ali x
