Sunday, October 9, 2011

An update!

A number of things have been going on, hence no time to blog!
The West Midland Pastel Society meeting and Birmingham Art Circle meeting have happened and created some more work.  The Pastel Society are on the verge of making their website go live so images and a biography need to be sent, and the Art Circle are preparing for a big exhibition at the RBSA - the official opening is on the 23rd October.  I've decided on putting in 4 pictures.  I'm stewarding on the 5th November from 2.00 till 5.00pm which is the last day - so come and have a chat.
What else - well it's been a couple of weeks without classes due to Grace going off to Aberystwyth and birthday celebrations.  Back to the W I tomorrow. 
Kathryn Pettitt and I have been putting lots of thought into our project evaluation - one meeting and several emails later we are on the verge of deciding whether to involve any extra help, despite the fact that it was not budgeted for.
A visit from Jane Frith at Class Art was a lovely opportunity to catch up and also select some art work for the Ernst and Young art sale on December 1st.
My plan now is to prepare for my open studio which is booked for the 12th and 13th November.  Bridget West, fellow textile artist, is joining me as she did last year which I really look forward to.  It is always a busy, no exhausting time! but great fun.  Oh and paint a couple of commissions!  I will tell you how I get on . . .