Sunday, November 20, 2011

A busy Open Studio . . .

That is something of an understatement!  Bridget and I had well over 100 people in two days and by the end of Sunday we were exhausted, but delighted with the way everyone enjoyed coming along.
Bless Martin, Amy, Tom and Grace for providing endless cups of tea and pieces of cake.
We raised money for St Dunstans, Crohn's and Colitis UK and our church, St Thomas in Hockley Heath as well as ourselves so all in all a very pleasing result.  A huge thank you to all of you who came along and made it a success.

This week has been sort of back to normal, well after Grace returned to Aberystwyth Uni on Wednesday evening.  Our project 'Sustaining the Person Within' is into its third session - quite a challenge but I think/hope we are getting there.  Sadly moving into an unstimulating environment can have quite a long lasting effect on a person.

My painting of Snowdon has moved on I'm glad to say and is almost ready for Martin's frame.  The next thing I need to do is prepare the artwork that Jane Frith is taking to Ernst & Young for the 1st December.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos of your bright and beautiful canvases, prints and pictures Jan. Glad so many people were able to see you, enjoy your work and explore your studio.
    Keep up the great work in all directions!
    Ali x
